If you think Valdosta is some backwater, backwoods, backwards south Georgia cultural sinkhole, you need to listen to the Old Lady:
To wit: one Friday night, four great musical experiences.
Let us begin at the beginning, at The Elder House which is a garage apartment near VSU. The downstairs has been converted into a small music hall or, more accurately, a rec room with a stage. We will not discuss the décor, or lack thereof. We are here for the music.

First up, REALIZATION from just up the road: Albany, Georgia. As the lead singer informs us, they are a “crossover hard-core band” and the emphasis is on “hard.” The Old Lady hasn’t seen a singer work that hard – for free! – in quite some time. When the music starts, this is a crazy man! With bearded face and bulging eyes, he breaks a sweat two minutes in and from there on it was Katy bar the door! Four guys onstage, twelve people in the audience… REALIZATION fills up the corners with blasting speakers and screaming lyrics.

Next up, a solo act. Billed by the promoter (translation: the guy who lives upstairs) as The Sarah Beth Experience, she says she’s “just a chick who does covers on the ukulele.” Correction: this chick ROCKS the ukulele! The Old Lady loves her cover of Amy Winehouse’s Valerie, followed by Katy Perry’s The One That Got Away. Sarah Beth informs us that: “If Katy Perry didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be living in Georgia… it’s this weird internet thing, I don’t want to go into it.” Well, the Old Lady knows a tease when she hears one, so afterwards she demands to hear “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey says. The Old Lady is not a spoiler; if you want to know, ask Sarah Beth. She’s the one with the ukulele.

Last onstage (the show had to end by 11, the chick with the red hair told one band member; “last time we ran past 11 and got shut down.” Damn neighbors; don’t they know art when they hear it?) is NORTHBOUND, a band which is actually southbound after a nine-day tour (“Donations please!” pleaded one guitar player/singer, “we’re going to Disney World tomorrow! Help us get back home to Miami!”). Then the band proceeds to blow the Old Lady away, and for nothing more than gas money. These guys don’t play for the money, they play because that’s what they do, they love it and they are damn good at it. NORTHBOUND has a new release… duh, that’s why they’re touring… and you can hear it at http://northboundfl.bandcamp.com/ but it won’t sound quite as good as LIVE and in your face at The Elder House! If you missed this show, you are a dweeb! LISTEN to the Old Lady!
Three bands. Three hours of great music. And all it costs the Old Lady is some gas money for the boys in the band. Oh yeah, and a coupla beers but they were a gift and she has them stashed in a cooler in the Golden Dragon outside.
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Whassup is the West Virginia Slims, a rockabilly band with swagger that the Old Lady has reviewed before (see http://www.oldladyandpurpledragon.com/the-great-guinness-toast/ ). This night they include a Spanish-flavored song, an original titled Lonely Trumpet , with sadly sweet riffs that seriously brings the Old Lady to tears, good tears, the ones that come when she hears something that’s so damn lovely she can’t hardly stand it. One of’em tells the Old Lady “I hope you give us a glowing review!” Are you freakin’ kidding??? She already said they’re great; what more can she say? Just this: go see’em!
Listen to the Old Lady!