Wolf ate her Moon
Bit by bit
Bite by bite
Clearing the clouds
Of the skinny skeleton
Eat it up all gone
A clean plate
For a cold serving
Of Snow Moon.
Wolf ate her Moon
Bit by bit
Bite by bite
Clearing the clouds
Of the skinny skeleton
Eat it up all gone
A clean plate
For a cold serving
Of Snow Moon.
I dreamed of a Moon
And an Elf with gray eyes
And I, the Moon Dragon,
Planned a surprise.
The Elf was a shy one
But later that night
I managed to kiss her
In the Moon’s light.
And after I kissed her
The Elf ran away,
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With her eyes oh so gray.
I knew she’d be back
With her elfin self
For a silver thread stretched
Between Dragon and Elf,
A spidersilk thread
With a rainbow glow,
For an Elf can’t hide
From a Dragon, you know.
When breakfast was done the Dragon poured more coffee and they strolled outside to the ledge, now warm and bright with sunshine.
“I suppose I should get back to my treehouse,” the Elf said at last, wrinkling her brow. “When may I come to visit you again?”
“Whenever you like!” replied the Dragon. “Shall I pick you up again this evening?”
“Yes please!” squeaked the Elf.
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The Elf smiled back.
They both knew they had begun a wonderful friendship!
Because Dragons are always hungry.
Later that morning the Dragon was scrambling pterodactyl eggs when the Elf wandered out of the sleeping chamber, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
Elves are not fond of mornings.
“Did you sleep well?” asked the Dragon, handing her a cup of steaming coffee.
The Elf took a sip and her eyes popped wide open.
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“No, I don’t think it was,” replied the Dragon as she served scrambled eggs.
They ate their breakfast in companiable silence.
With her eyes focused on the Moon the Dragon was sharply aware of the Elf snuggled close by her side.
A warm happy feeling washed over her like the golden Moon’s light and her heart fluttered. She wanted very badly to nibble the Elf, just a little.
Dragons are always hungry.
When the night air turned a bit chilly the two friends strolled back inside the cave where they talked until dawn.
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The Elf wrinkled her brow. “Aren’t you going to nibble me first?” she demanded recklessly.
And the Dragon did.
“Let’s go outside and look at the Moon!” suggested the Elf, flushed with wine and the excitement of the evening.
The Dragon thought this was a capital idea and offered the Elf a steadying arm.
“Be careful,” advised the Dragon as they walked outside on the rocky ledge overlooking the countryside over which they had flown.
The Moon shone like a golden coin, illuminating the distant fields and forest with a soft liquid light.
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Instead she pressed a little closer to the Dragon’s side, feeling secure so close to her friend.
The Moon smiled, still humming her Moon tune.
The Dragon liked bread and cheese just fine, but was not quite completely satisfied. She knew that a little nibble of Elf would be just the thing to top it all off and glanced sideways at the Elf longingly.
Dragons are always hungry.
Stuffed with bread and cheese, the Elf sat back contentedly and drained her cup. “How lovely,” she sighed with satisfaction.
“More wine?” offered the Dragon, tipping the jug even before the Elf could reply.
“Just a drop,” agreed the Elf.
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“To your health!” they toasted in unison, clinking their cups together.
The Elf giggled.
The cave high up on the mountain was so different from her treehouse tucked snugly down in the leafy forest. Here in Dragon’s Lair the wind blew wild and free.
The Elf felt wild and free herself.
“A snack?” asked the ever-curious Elf as she sipped the rich red wine. “What do Dragons snack on?”
You, thought the Dragon, but she restrained herself. After all, the Elf was now a guest and even the hungriest Dragon has better manners than to nibble a guest without permission.
Dragons are always hungry… but they are also hospitable.
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“The bread is made of toadflax, wildflower honey, and sunflower seeds harvested by hobbits in the late summer sunshine. It’s gluten free, of course!” she hastened to assure the Elf. “The cheese is made from mountain mares’ milk by dwarves who sneak up on the horses at night while they are drowsing and dreaming of starry-eyed stallions.”
“Delicious!” declared the Elf.
“Were you expecting me?” The Elf turned the cup curiously, examining the delicate carvings.
The cup fit in her hand as though made for her alone.
“Well, yes,” admitted the Dragon, bringing a stone jug carved with clusters of fruit. She poured wine the color of rubies.
The Elf sniffed and then tasted the wine which was sweet and mellow, rich with the flavors of summer grapes and sun-ripened cherries.
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“To your health!” toasted the Dragon, touching the Elf’s cup with her own. “Would you like a snack with your wine?”
Dragons are always hungry.
As the Dragon settled softly onto the ledge at Dragon’s Lair the Elf felt a little fluttery in her tummy. Just butterflies from so much flying, she told herself, and marched boldly into the Lair.
By the time the Dragon lit a torch on the stone wall and the darkness retreated the Elf was feeling rather cocky. She was wearing her sturdy elfboots which always made her feel brave.
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