The Dragon flew around and around the snowy peak as the Elf gasped at such impossible beauty, feeling privileged to see from above the secret inaccessible slopes spread out in crystalline glory.
As the Dragon slowed her circle around the mountaintop, she asked “Dear Elf, would you care for some wine? You must be quite thirsty by now.”
“Yes I am, and yes I would,” replied the Elf, backward with bewilderment. She looked around from her perch on the Dragon’s back. “Where do you keep it? You haven’t any pockets.”
As the Dragon soared through the night sky the Elf held on tight and grinned at the Moon, singing “Moon above, moon so high, was ever an Elf so brave as I?”
The Moon smiled indulgently at her impudence.
The craggy peaks of Dragon Mountain loomed closer.
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The Dragon stretched her neck upwards and flew up and over the very tiptop where snow glistened in the Moon’s light.
“What a glorious sight!” squeaked the Elf, her words and hair blown about in the frosty wind, all of summer’s heat left in the lowlands.
She sang her exhilaration and the Dragon harmonized in a passable tenor.
Navigating by the stars, the Dragon flew beyond the forest where the Elf’s treehouse stood and soared over the King’s Castle all aglow with flaming torchlight and fluttering pennants.
She flew on, over the Crystal River where mermaids and seacows frolicked together in the clear cool water.
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What a fine night for flying!
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The Dragon’s wings beat strongly in the warm summer air.
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And when the Dragon showed up at the Elf’s treehouse on the night of the full Moon, she had not eaten any dinner.
“Just look at my night-blooming cereus!” crowed the Elf. “How the blossoms glow in the Moon’s light!”
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It was true.
The huge pale flowers had an eerie luminescence and their fragrance in the warm summer evening air was intoxicating.
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By the time they landed the Elf was dizzy with delight and giggling wildly. Why, she didn’t know when she’d had so much fun!
So, when the Dragon suggested that she might come back some fine evening to admire the night-blooming cereus and then perhaps take the Elf on a night flight… ?
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The Elf was all for it.
“It’s a date, then!” confirmed the Dragon, sneaking another little nibble before she left, which made the Elf just that much gigglier.
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The Dragon liked the feel of the Elf’s arms around her neck. She’s awfully cute, she thought as she tilted one wing to wheel around a passing cloud, and she doesn’t seem to mind an occasional nibble.
“I’m going flying today!” announced the Dragon. “Want to go for a ride?”
The Elf thought this sounded like fun.
As she clambered onto the Dragon’s back the Dragon helped her up with a nudge of her purple snout, sneaking a little nibble while she was at it.
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Dragons are always hungry.
The Elf was so thrilled with anticipation that she didn’t even notice the nibble.
As soon as she was settled the Dragon spread her magnificent purple wings and took to the sky.
Next day the Dragon dropped by while the Elf was planting daylilies and night-blooming cereus in front of her treehouse.
“Well,” said the Dragon, leaning over the fence, “looks like you’ll have flowers day and night.”
The Elf jumped a little at the sudden appearance, but could not resist boasting about her garden.
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“And not just flowers!” She was proud of her green thumb, with which she gestured at the rest of her garden. “Over here I have ‘taters ‘n’ ‘maters sprouting!”
The Dragon eyed the neat rows and licked her purple chops.
After the Feast and all the Roast Beast, when the Dragon slyly suggested that she walk the Elf home through the forest, the Elf could hardly refuse.
As they strolled along the leafy path the Dragon casually took the Elf’s hand in her own, “Seeing’s as how it’s so dark, and Dragons see rather well in the dark.”
She spoke of how much Dragons love flying and asked “Would you like to come along for a ride sometime?”
“Yes!” squeaked the Elf, “I’d love to try it!”
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When they arrived at the Elf’s treehouse the Dragon swiftly sneaked a nibble, just a small nibble.
The Elf stammered “Good night!” and scuttled inside.
Once the door closed, she thought: Well, that wasn’t so scary after all. Rather thrilling, really, in a deliciously dangerous way!