The Old Lady has remained silent about the recent Presidential campaign because she does not consider the new fashion of calling one’s opponents “idiots” to constitute fruitful political discourse.
But the election is over. The legal fact is that there is a new President of the United States, whether or not anybody likes him.
As we all move forward The Old Lady would like to encourage you to focus not on what you are against, but to focus on what you are for.
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Choose something you WANT TO SEE, and put your focus on making it happen.
Accentuate the positive!
We have all become some judgmental. We look around us and judge people using so many “tools”like the shoes or clothes they wear, their car,….Do we want to know them and justify our decision ..No, we a re each SO MUCH BETTER …We have become “entitled” to our inflated gross value. As it is good to be positive and have self esteem, like everything else moderation is important. FACTS, FACTS, FACTS..then I will make the decision to judge you, like you or discard you as we discard everything now. By the way I am in a good mood!!!!
During the war years they needed to have songs like this to help us get along with life and not feel doom and gloom. I wasn’t there but my parents were. And they did accentuate the positive. You can interpret as a gospel song if you want. But it is about staying positive which is what we all need right now. Thank you. The song is not about masturabation!!!