? “I sing of the Bucket o’ Bugs,” ?
camped The Old Lady.
“Those chunky citronella candles-in-a-bucket burn forever emitting clouds of mosquito-repellant fragrance.
“When I sit where the smell is most overwhelming I know that only the most intrepid insect can pierce that veil and hence my skin.
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“Afterwards, whenever I lit that Bucket, moth remains sizzled and popped as the wick burned the entombed bodies.
“I dedicated each new flame to those cremated creatures and in their honor renamed it the Bucket o’ Bugs.”
O Bucket of Bug! O Bucket of Bug!
It seems you are an insect tub.
La Brea hot liquid, the remains will submerge
but fired again, we sing the dirge.
for not fixed forever in citrus amber
the bodies ignite, in ghostly camphor!
(feverishly working on soundtrack)