Category Archives: Music

A Plethora of Punks


The guys in the band THE VARIANT showed their stuff from their new EP at Ashley Street Station last night and the Old Lady heartily approved.DSCF7203DSCF7204DSCF7209DSCF7214DSCF7216

THE VARIANT plays varied styles, ranging from heavy melodic to hard punk, and their high energy set left the Old Lady wanting more.  “We have the new EP here available,” urged the main singer, “or you can listen to it for free online, and that will be fun for you and for me.”  Get a taste by watching their music video at just up from Florida starting their tour is a switch-hitting blues-rock duo, taking turns on guitar and drums with equal facility.DSCF7224DSCF7225DSCF7229DSCF7233

Anthony, the drummer from SiN, joined the two for an impromptu backup of Sophie Sputnik’s intensely angst-ridden punk number.  Anthony comported himself well.  And Sophie suffered beautifully.DSCF7231DSCF7232Listen to KILLMAMA at

DSCF7244SiN then played a set of new wave old south blues and straight-ahead punk that sent the Old Lady home sweaty and wanting to shave her head into a Mohawk and dye it purple.DSCF7242Check out SiN at

DSCF7238And if you’re listening to these bands for free online, buy some merch if you can.  Hey, you didn’t have to spring for the cover charge to get into ASS so send’em a few bucks, ya cheapskate.  LISTEN TO THE OLD LADY!



“Edward Foote”

DSCF7052The Old Lady loves a good “I-knew-him-when” story.

So, she thoroughly enjoyed seeing the world premiere of the play “Edward Foote” at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta.

The author, Phillip DePoy, went to the same high school as the Old Lady (decades ago…).  His brother Scott DePoy who was in the Old Lady’s class, acted and played violin (fiddle, rather) in the play.

The production was outstanding!

“Edward Foote” is a sort of tragic mystery, a twisted retelling of the Oedipus story in an Appalachian setting.  The action is punctuated by Sacred Harp music, traditional shape-note singing by the cast.

The Old Lady highly recommends that you make an effort to see this production.  It is well worth your time and effort.  “And,” boasts the Old Lady proudly, “I knew them when.”

Teach Your Children Well*


A young lady at the Bleu Pub asked the Old Lady: “Is your son in the band?”

She seemed bewildered to hear that the Old Lady has no children and just came to hear the music.

“Besides,” cackled the Old Lady, “it would be more like my GRANDson.”

Blindfish opened the set, and OMG are these kids young!  They all looked to the Old Lady to be no more than about twelve.  But man, can these boys play!


Their songlist ran heavily to the Beatles and Pink Floyd, and they do more than passable covers of songs that the Old Lady has loved for decades.  Fundamentals, she thought, tapping her foot.  It’s just like the scales and Broadway show tunes she started out with in elementary school band.  Learn well these old psychedelic rock licks, and let’s see where they go when they start to create their own music.  The Old Lady can hardly wait.

Matt Mullis
Matt Mullis

A word about lead guitar Matt Mullis: he put more energy into Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Freebird” than the Old Lady has heard live lately.  Watch this kid.

Balloon Assembly Line
Balloon Assembly Line

Balloon Assembly Line closed out the evening.   The Old Lady is keeping an eye on Kelby Clark as he produces fresh and new material every time she seems him.  The addition of Matt Mullis to the Balloon Assembly Lineup this night was particularly interesting.

Fresh.  New.  This is what the Old Lady looks for in live music.  And that’s why she listens to kids who could easily be her grandchildren… if she’d ever gotten around to having any.DSCF6129

Oh, and a word about the Bleu Pub in downtown Valdosta, Georgia: what a great venue for these performances.  The wood-floor ceiling and distressed-brick walls give the place the comfortable feel of somebody’s basement rec room while concentrating the raw energy of these bands.   The place was crowded and not really conducive to photography, and frankly the Old Lady was tired and not feeling terribly conducive herself.  So, sorry, guys, no good pix.


* lyric by Graham Nash







A Recommendation from the Old Lady

Cindy Q Sings

A recommendation from the Old Lady:

If you are in the Valdosta, Georgia, area during December 2014 try to catch singer/guitar player Cindy Quick performing at Giulio’s Greek & Italian Restaurant which is located at 105 E. Ann Street near Valdosta State University.

Cindy has a full sweet voice and plays guitar with a delicate and lyrical touch.  She sits like an elegant jewel in a glass windowed alcove off one room of the restaurant all a-sparkle with tiny white lights among green plants.  Her repertoire of songs runs from James Taylor to Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen… and more!

She sets such a romantic atmosphere.  The food is excellent too.

Call ahead to make sure which weekend evenings she will be performing.   Giulio’s phone number is 229-333-0929.

Don’t miss it!  Listen to the Old Lady!

Mickee Redux

The Eclectic Acoustic Band, playing in the back yard of the Mickee Faust Club on a fine fall evening.
The Eclectic Acoustic Band, playing in the back yard of the Mickee Faust Club on a fine fall evening.

The Old Lady made a return visit to the Mickee Faust Club in Tallahassee (see ).

And found it just as bizarre the second time around.

The performance this time was a “Ratrospective” of existing material.  In some of the skits the music was recognizable from the group’s CD (i.e., “Hypocrisy in Democracy”), but some of it was new to the Old Lady.  The writing is political satire and parody, the humor is edgy, and the music is catchy.  A lot of the political references are Florida-specific but you’ll get the gist even if you do not hail from the Sunshine State.

Again, “The Trouble with Andre” broke the Old Lady’s heart.

Find out more about this long-standing topical humor musical performance group at

And go see a performance, if you can possibly get to Tallahassee.

Ears to the Mickee Faust Club… may they continue to QUESTION AUTHORITY.DSCF4191

Fox Mountain Festival


The Old Lady and the Elf took to the woods for a weekend of camping and music at Fox Mountain Camp and Artist Retreat near Cherry Log in the mountains of north Georgia.

And what a fine weekend it was!

Drying wet boots and socks

                The campground is a lovely place to be, even in the rain. DSCF5748DSCF5767

Friendly people...
Friendly people…
... and friendly dogs
… and friendly dogs

It rained off and on but mostly at night, and not at all during the music.  Arrie Bozeman, Barb Carbon, Hollin Gammage, Carly Gibson, Kato Estill, and special guests Jesse Hamilton and Jason Beaudreaux played far into the night, and as the hour got later the music just got better!

Hollin Gammage
Hollin Gammage
Carly Gibson
Carly Gibson


The Old Lady sends big THANK YOU to Jana Cargile and Sherrie Kelly who run Fox Mountain Camp and organized the festival.  These wild women of the woods have worked tirelessly (or maybe they do get tired) to make the Camp a welcoming, comfortable place and to make this festival special.

Sherrie & Jana
Sherrie & Jana

If you are interested, find Fox Mountain Camp and Artist Retreat on Facebook or on the web at DSCF5747

New EP from Hall of the Elders

Hall of Elders beefcake

Hall of the Elders, an electronic hardcore band born in Valdosta, Georgia but now gone to Atlanta, has released an EP titled Bioacoustic that distills the madness of their live performance into pure, sweet shots of 100-proof firewater.

From the first metronomic tones of the first cut, Option 2, the listener has no option but to remain.

Keven Hammonds-McArthur‘s controlled but manic lead guitar lines intertwine with Jonah Edwards’ deep hard bass, using the drummer Nick McLendon’s explosive percussion as a steel framework to build these tunes so they can hold up to vocalist Mark Jackson’s now wailing, now growling voice.

The Old Lady’s favorite tracks:

Don’t Mess with the Mayor sneaks up out of the darkness like a mugger, catching up and snatching up your attention, holding you hostage with grinding beats and lyrical interludes until you’re ready to give up that last twenty you have stashed in your shoe.

Undertoe washes in pleasantly over your feet, but brings on its sea breeze the despairing cries of distant drowned voices.  Swim at your own risk!

Animal jumps on your back with all four paws, scratching and clawing at your ears with a smooth jungle viciousness that beguiles you into becoming willing prey.  Lay down and die, and bon appétit!

You can hear download the Bioacoustic EP at and check out the store… there’s merch, man!

If you want to book this on-the-way-to-greatness group, contact them at and tell them the Old Lady sent you.Bioacoustic



METAL MONDAY at Ashley Street Station featuring Invert the Idols, Bartering with the Damned, and The Abominable Beard.  The Old Lady is speechless.DSCF5610DSCF5598DSCF5615Men which has a dad or sibling with this cancer are a Discover More discount generic viagra type of cell which body uses to help to create the sperm. Pelvic inflammatory disease – It’s a prescription for viagra kind of uterus and fallopian tubes. viagra australia Men can purchase Mast Mood oil from online stores. This blood proficiency makes the organ becoming erect and gets true use of generic viagra. wp-image-692 alignleft” alt=”DSCF5641″ src=”×252.jpg” width=”300″ height=”252″ />DSCF5616DSCF5636DSCF5643DSCF5663DSCF5650DSCF5686

Red Door Redux


Red Door Records hosted another ROCKIN’ show tonight, Saturday, August 23. 2014, in Valdosta, Georgia.DSCF5271DSCF5289

CUTTING TEETH is the latest incarnation of the band formerly known as STAY AT HOME.  Their new material took the crowd by storm, causing much moshing and some crowd surfing.  These Thomasville homeboyz are growing and getting better and better.  Look forward to their next gig, gang, they are on their way to greatness!


WICKED PRETTY from Hotlanta put up a sick set, taking no prisoners.  Catch them next in St. Augustine, or if you like their stuff check it out at


THE HOTELS death pop can be heard at and it is well worth your time to check them out… It is also worth your money to buy the download.DSCF5335

KOCTOK is Valdosta’s newest band.  Kelby Clark and Bradley Gandy have just released an EP titled “SLIMEY MOMENTS”, and you can get the download at  These two guyz are monsterz; the Old Lady can’t wait to hear what they come up with next!


The Old Lady loves seeing family members of band members support these shows.DSCF5364

Much gratitude to Jessica Donaldson of Red Door Records… these shows are the bomb!


Wake Up Fest, Day One

DSCF5193Wake Up Fest.  Fun in the sun, on the land and on and in the water.


Too many bands for the Old Lady to count.  Each put in a fine performance.  If she missed your band, she apologizes… she stayed as long as she could.  Thank you all for the music!DSCF5106

DSCF5130DSCF5138DSCF5197Artists brought their wares, decorative touches of atmosphere and creativity.

Check out Lukas Rushlow on Facebook
Check out Lukas Rushlow on Facebook



BIG shout out to the Valdosta Wake Compound, and to Sin.DSCF5159DSCF5199

GREAT job, guys!

The Old Lady had a wonderful afternoon.DSCF5135DSCF5166DSCF5118DSCF5139DSCF5140DSCF5178








Wake Up Fest continues tomorrow – Sunday, August 17, 2014, at the Valdosta Wake Compound just off I-75 at exit 13 south of Valdosta, GA.  If you missed it – here’s your second chance!  Don’t blow it!  LISTEN TO THE OLD LADY!