Helena’s lifelong sense of entitlement convinced her that her crush was not only reciprocated, but gave her exclusive ownership of her quarry.
So the day she saw Buddy talking to Perra outside the Pik N Pay, she exploded into a jealous fit and headed home for her gun.
“How dare she?” she steamed at Laura Mercy back at the Big House. “Everybody knows he’s mine!”
Laura blinked. She hadn’t known, herself, until just now. “I’m sorry,” she said.
“It’s not your fault,” raved Hel. “Don’t apologize! You’re always apologizing!”
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“That’s not funny!” Hel snapped.
“Ohhh,” Laura sighed sympathetically but stopped short of another apology. Now there’s progress, she thought, maybe the self-help books are working.
She followed her pistol-packing cousin as Helena grabbed the keys to Daddy’s Caddy.