After dinner and a few more rounds of The Famous Grouse for the men, Momma drifted upstairs. She felt the need for more relaxation, remembering the half-burned tube of ancient healing herbs waiting in an ashtray in her sitting room. Meditation room, she corrected herself, and made a mental note to redecorate. Might have to shop Pier One for big floor pillows and brass Buddha statues.
When Big Daddy finally saw Buddy to the door Ernest showed up out of nowhere to drive his Scotch-befuddled friend home.
Helena came to the door and glared suspiciously at Ernest, who gave her a casual wave but avoided her eyes as he poured Buddy into the passenger seat of the rusty old Ranger.
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“Hel,” he said, buoyant with Scotch and success, “that Buddy of yours, he’s a fine young man.”
Helena flounced up the Grand Staircase in defeat.
What a rollicking ride! I have so much fun reading this for its language, that I just realized I have no idea what is actually going on! Thanks, Old lady