When Buddy rang the bell at the Big House that evening, he felt stiff and uncomfortable in brand new khaki slacks and genuine Polo shirt. He trusted Ernest so he followed his friend’s instructions to the letter, even carrying a single red rose. “I think she likes pink,” he had protested, but Ernest winked and said “Pink for friendship, red for love. Go for the gold.” Metaphors were lost on Buddy, but he did what Ernest said.
Big Daddy threw open the door. “Come in, come in, my boy!” He ushered him into the Foyer as Helena began her descent down the Grand Staircase. She stopped dead on the second step, as taken aback by Buddy’s new clothes as she was by his appearance in the Big House at dinnertime.
“I wanted to surprise you, my dear,” smirked Big Daddy.
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Regaining her composure, Helena cooed reflexively “Oh, for me?”
Her placid Southern lady veneer seemed impenetrable, but Big Daddy noted with some satisfaction the big WTF? that he perceived floating over her flaming beehived hair.