Every first and third Saturday of the summer months are Farm Days on the Historic Courthouse Square in Valdosta, Georgia.

Local farmers and producers of farm products, like the Coody family, pitch their tents and display their wares, all at well-below-grocery store prices.
Some of these products you can’t even buy in the grocery store, like GG’s Sugared Peppers, jalapeno peppers preserved in a secret spicy-sweet sauce that will raise your eyebrows and knock your socks off.
Where else will you see a giant cabbage proudly displayed like a fine sculpture?

Farm Days is where you can buy fresh Georgia pecans by the pound from Cindy and Jerry Quick, owners of Clover Pecan Company. The Quicks grow their own pecans on a farm located in a remote area of south Georgia far from any major highways, cities, and factories. Their trees breathe clean country air, drink water from their own natural spring-fed pond, and are fertilized by the nitrogen-fixing red clover planted around the trees. They are as close to organic as any pecans you can buy. Then the Quicks hand-package the shelled nuts in rustic little burlap bags screen-printed with the Clover Pecan Company logo.
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“Pecans are the healthiest nuts on the planet and contain more antioxidants than walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts or cashews,” explains Cindy.
You can order these pecans online, at http://cloverpecan.com/shop/?add-to-cart=278
Nut-tritious, de-licious, high-quality food at an affordable price.
Look for the Quicks, the Coodys, GG, and many other locals at the next Farm Day.
Are you aware that the Clover Pecan company is for sale??
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