From time to time the Old Lady works as a Mystery Shopper.
She has shopped clothing stores, drugstores, auto service departments, convenience stores, restaurants, and new car dealerships… and been paid for reporting on their customer service.
You won’t get rich as a Mystery Shopper; the pay is minimal but adequate. It is interesting work, as each assignment is different. It is great practice for a writer. Having to go through a common daily experience – shopping – but with your eyes wide open, noticing every little detail, sharpens your powers of observation. You can’t take notes, as that would blow your cover as a Mystery Shopper, so you must remember names, descriptions, and dialog. Then the reports are written like little narrative stories, reproducing the experience in full detail and in grammatically correct language.
The Old Lady considers it well worth her time.
If you want to try Mystery Shopping yourself, you can search the internet for opportunities but beware! Most of the offers you will find are scams. You have to do your homework to find the companies with credibility.
The Old Lady has done the homework.
Here’s the deal: if you send the Old Lady five dollars – check, money order, or cash – she will not only send you the websites of her three favorite Mystery Shopping companies, she will include her textbook MYSTERY SHOPPING 101 which will lead you through the process of becoming a successful Mystery Shopper.
Send a self-addressed stamped envelope and five dollars to:
P.O. Box 10122
Valdosta, GA 31604
Void where prohibited. Must be 18. Use at your own risk.