Own It


The Old Lady got pulled over by a cop.

At one point during the conversation she made as if to open the door of the truck.

“I’d rather you stayed in your vehicle, ma’am,” the officer said mildly.
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It was two days later that it occurred to The Old Lady that the officer could have shot her.

Even with all the news reports and viral videos, it never even crossed The Old Lady’s mind that the man might shoot her.

THAT is white privilege.

1 thought on “Own It

  1. Yup! It happened to me in downtown Thomasville some 15 years ago and when I got out of the car the officer, female and white, seemed really frightened and told me to get back in the car!!!!
    I was so astonished. It gave me some insight into how frightened an officer may be when they pull over an unknown person. I see myself as nonthreatening and old and she may have seen me as unknown, big, and moving toward her aggressively…. that is not white privilege, instead it is the built in terror of the job…. and nowadays the formula for terror has changed.
    I know what you said about white privilege and to that add the perceived violence of all encounters with the police. I shudder! Until the training for gun bearing adults in authority changes from KILL to how to deescalate emotion and violence to how to use the gun to wound/injure NOT kill we are all in danger.
    This was a good post, Julie Ford, I really identified with your thought process and awakening.

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