The Salty Snapper in Valdosta, Georgia, is filling the old Creekside Tavern’s building again with good food and live music.

‘Most any night in July and August you’ll hear local favorites playing either outside on the patio (The Buoy Bar… the Old Lady could not find the Gull’s Bar) or inside in the dining room (The Sand Bar). Here’s next week’s lineup:
July 6- Tanner Strickland 6-9
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July 8- Cosmic Voice 6-9
July 9- Kevin & Leah 6-9
July 10- 2 River Station 7-11
July 11- Mark & Mark 7-11
July 12- Joe Smothers 6-9
And the FOOD! Don’t forget to order FOOD! The Old Lady has developed a particular fondness for the Lima Bean Hummus and the Edamame with Old Bay seasoning. The shrimp are NOT shrimpy but the crab cakes are, well, very crabby. Tip: when asked “which sides?” check out the Vegetable of the Day because this kitchen uses fresh local produce to produce gourmet dishes that satisfy and delight.
EAT LOCAL! LISTEN LOCAL! Tip musicians and waitpeople well. Keep YOUR cash in YOUR community!