“Thank you for reading my blog,” gushed The Old Lady gratefully. “Today my subject is gratitude.
And I’m not talking about the kind of gratitude like when your Mom makes you write a thank-you note to Aunt Clyde for the ugly sweater she knitted you for Christmas.
I mean basic everyday gratitude like for the fact that you are still breathing as you read this, and for the fact that somebody taught you to read so that you CAN read this.
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Live NOW… love it, and be grateful.”
LISTEN to The Old Lady!

Amen to words well put
Did Aunt Clyde knit sweaters?? Lol
All I actually remember of Aunt Clyde is her house in Daytona Beach and that she was mad for canasta.
I am grateful for your blog, Girlfriend. It helps me to see more clearly the rays of sunshine in my life I might miss. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. ❤🙌😇
I am grateful for your comment, Peggy, and grateful if the blog lightens your heart. That is my intention, and hearing that it’s working reinforces me. You and your family remain in my prayers.