The Old Lady burst into tears while driving to church Sunday morning.
The day was so beautiful, clear cool Spring air following the rainstorm that washed away – at least temporarily – the heavy yellow fall of south Georgia pollen. Traveling along the country backroad to the small town where St. James’ Episcopal Church is located, she came upon a stand of blooming wisteria draping some oak and pine trees. The purple blossoms beckoned in the sunshine, and even though she was sure she would be late to church she had to stop to take a photograph.
Upon resuming her drive, tears sprang into the Old Lady’s eyes, tears of joy and overwhelming gratitude for such a lovely day.
After church, another beautiful experience.

The Old Lady drove to Gainesville, Florida to attend a concert by the Indigo Girls. It’s been more than a decade since the Old Lady heard Amy and Emily play live, and they not only are as good as ever (maybe better!), for this tour they are backed by the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. What a show!
When they played the old hit, “Kid Fears”, the Old Lady burst into tears again, tears not of sadness and missing the time that the song provided a soundtrack for her life, but again tears of gratitude; gratitude for the trip from then until now, and all the experiences… good and bad!… that the Old Lady has been blessed to go through.
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The attitude of gratitude is what pays back God or the Universe or Lady Luck or however it is that you name the source of the gifts in our lives.
Cop a ‘tude yourself… an attitude of gratitude!
Listen to the Old Lady!