At Ashley Street Station late on a Sunday night, ya never know what you’re gonna find, like the hardest-working bar owner in town pulling beers.
The lead singer for a band called hashtagholygrail said they’re from Snake Nation. They put in a short but enthusiastic set of gratifying headbanging.
Catching her breath, the Old Lady sat at the bar watching some random baseball game. The Old Lady considers any game which does not involve the Braves to be random. The Old Lady knows only two teams: one is the Braves, and the other is not.
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All of a sudden she found herself in the middle of a frat party. Sherbet-colored polo shirts and shots in plastic cups swam before her befuddled eyes. Then one of her favorite punk bands hit the stage restoring some semblance of normality, or what the Old Lady considers normality.Sin has a raw Old School edge with energy to spare. Jimi always gives an athletic performance which in no way inhibits his skill with the guitar and Anthony backs him up with a powerful beat.
Sin has made a new video. Friend’em on Fb and maybe they’ll let you see it.
Last on tonight’s bill, Chilled Monkey Brains was worth waiting for. Two trombones anchor their ska sound but the band bleed into hardcore with some Zappa-esque riffs and a touch of progressive rock. They’ve been on tour and are on their way back home to Tallahassee.